
Reliable, sustainable and focused on your business continuity  

Our society is increasingly transforming into a digital society. To stay connected with this digital transformation, your organization becomes more dependent on IT. We realize how essential this is for you, your processes, customers, suppliers, partners, or patients. That’s why we make every effort to ensure optimal performance of your IT equipment in our Tier III data centers. We provide a secure and well-conditioned environment with a guaranteed power supply for maximum availability.
We employ sustainable solutions to minimize energy consumption and create ideal conditions to maximize the lifespan of your equipment. Our sustainability includes practices such as reusing waste heat and cooling equipment using liquid. This makes us unique in the Netherlands. We ensure the best possible conditions while allowing you to maintain control over your own environment.
As a 100% Dutch company, we maintain our location, ownership, and governance in the Netherlands.

100% Dutch

As a Dutch company, we offer complete transparency and maximum control over your data. We are down-to-earth, entrepreneurial, and have an accessible, personal approach.


Continuous innovation and improving energy performance are the only sustainable path forward for the digital society, according to us.

Focused on Continuity

Our work revolves around your business continuity. We ensure the best possible conditions to extend the lifespan of your equipment and prevent any outages.

About Colocation

1. Security

As a Dutch company, we offer complete transparency and maximum control over your data. We are down-to-earth, entrepreneurial, and have an accessible, personal approach.


We ensure that only authorized personnel have access. You have 24/7 access to our data center using your own pass in combination with biometrics. Additionally, we offer SmartAccess to authorize access to your racks on your own. With the data from SmartAccess, you can also see who has had access and when.

Power Supply

Your equipment is equipped with two power feeds, and our datacenters are designed with at least two feeds. In our datacenter in Groningen, we even have 4 feeds. The emergency power supplies are also redundant, so in case of maintenance or a power outage, your environment remains powered.

Fire Safety

The most important asset in our data centers is your data. Our procedures are designed to prevent fires and, in case they do occur, detect them quickly. We also aim to avoid extinguishing fires unless necessary. If needed, we ensure the extinguishing process causes minimal damage to your valuable assets.


Bytesnet is one of the most certified datacenter service providers in the Netherlands. We hold ISO 9001 (quality), ISO 14001 (environment), ISO 27001 (data protection), and as the first data center in the Netherlands, ISO 27701 (privacy) certifications. Additionally, we have ISAE 3402 II and NEN 7510 (specialization of ISO 27001 for healthcare).

2. Sustainability

As the foundation of the digital society, we operate responsibly. That’s why we are constantly working on innovations and minimizing energy consumption in our data centers. We use biodiesel for the generators, implement low-speed ventilation, and cool the warm air with outside air.

Learn more about our sustainable solutions on our sustainability page.

3. Focussed on Continuity

All our efforts are geared towards ensuring your business continuity, and to achieve this, we have built-in various guarantees.

Continuous Data Supply

We can establish connections with various telecom and network providers. In case one provider experiences an outage, we ensure continuity of data transport through a second provider.

Backup and Redundant Location

To secure your data, we can co-host it at another location with one of our Dutch partners. You can also set up a redundant location to run critical applications. We have strict SLAs with our partners, ensuring that your data and applications are guaranteed safe in the mirrored location.

Read more about setting up backups and redundant solutions under Twinning Solutions.

Optimal Conditions for Your Equipment

The standard humidity level in a data center is 80%. We maintain it normally within the range of 30% to 60% and maximum 70%. This slows down corrosion on your hardware. We are diligent in capturing dust, and we constantly monitor the number of dust particles in the corridors. Additionally, we ensure the right temperature and minimal temperature fluctuations. All these measures are designed to extend the lifespan of your hardware.


Bring your equipment, and we can take care of the rest for you.

Private Corridors & Suites

Your own data center within our data center? A shielded space with personalized access to your equipment, designed for and by you.

Twinning Solutions

Prevent a single point of failure and keep your environment reliably available. Redundant locations, power supply, equipment, and connectivity.


Our extension of your IT organization. Certified professionals who ensure that your professionals can do what they are trained for.

Want t know more? Contact Anthony!

He can tell you everything about our solutions without obligation and especially which one suits your organization best!